Use Google Compute Engine Api to calculate current cost
A nice thing with cloud providers who provide an Api is that you can come up with new features by yourself. You don’t need to wait for the next release anymore.
As soon as I tried Google Compute Engine, I wanted to know the daily/monthly cost of what I was doing. My question was simple:
So I wrote some code, because, you know, it’s what I do ;-) Also it was a good excuse to try Atom’s support for CoffeeScript. To be more precise, I tried Atom’s support for literate CoffeeScript but that’s a post for tomorrow!
Here’s the first version of my code. It doesn’t compute the whole cost. There’s still a lot to do. Also, I’m sure it contains bugs, so no warranty!
The code tells you what’s you daily and monthly burn rate.
# Google Compute Engine Cost Calculation
This code computes the current hourly and monthly cost of a project on [Google Compute Engine](
It uses this [pricing page](
as the reference.
## Read raw json files
Read all the files produced by `gcutil`. Then turn each file content into json.
fs = require 'fs'
read = (file) ->
content = fs.readFileSync "data/#{file}.json", {encoding: 'UTF-8'}
## Cost computation
class CostComputer
constructor: (data) ->
@count = {}
@count[key] = value.length for key,value of data
@cost = 0.0
@cost += @instanceCost(instance) for instance in data.instances
@cost += @diskCost(disk) for disk in data.disks
@cost += @snapshotCost(snapshot) for snapshot in data.snapshots
## Machine Type Pricing
Each type of none-`TERMINATED` instance has a specific hourly cost. [Source](
instanceCost: (instance) ->
return 0 if instance.status is 'TERMINATED'
switch @type(instance.machineType)
when 'n1-standard-1' then 0.104
when 'n1-standard-2' then 0.207
when 'n1-standard-4' then 0.415
when 'n1-standard-8' then 0.829
when 'n1-standard-16' then 1.659
else throw "Unknown machine type #{instance.machineType}"
type: (machineType) ->
## Persistent Disk Pricing
There's a monthly cost per Gb used. [Source](
### Disks
diskCost: (disk) ->
@daily(disk.sizeGb * 0.04)
### Snapshots
snapshotCost: (snapshot) ->
@daily(snapshot.diskSizeGb * 0.125)
## Monthly cost
It's currently just an approximation.
monthly: (daily) ->
daily * (24 * 31) # pessimist
daily: (monthly) ->
monthly / (24 * 30) # pessimist
## Report
Print hourly and monthly cost and the number of moving parts used (instances,
disks, snapshots...).
print: -> console.log """
Current cost is:
- $#{@cost} per hour
- $#{@monthly(@cost)} per month
- #{@count.instances} instance(s)
- #{@count.disks} disk(s)
- #{@count.snapshots} snapshot(s)
## Misc
Extend Array class to be able to get its last value:
Array::last ?= (n) ->
if n? then @[(Math.max @length - n, 0)...] else @[@length - 1]
## Feed the CostComputer
new CostComputer
instances: read 'listinstances'
disks: read 'listdisks'
snapshots: read 'listsnapshots'
There's still a lot to be done:
+ [x] Machine Type Pricing [Source](
+ [x] Persistent Disk Pricing [Source](
+ [ ] Premium Operating Systems [Source](
+ [ ] Network Pricing [Source](
+ [ ] Load Balancing and Protocol Forwarding [Source](
+ [ ] Image Storage [Source](
+ [ ] IP Address Pricing [Source](