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Deep stubbing in Mockito

Next version of Mockito, my favorite mocking/stubbing framework, will provide deep stubbing. This kind of test code will become possible:

``java @Test public void canStubOneLevelDeep() { OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

SocketFactory socketFactory = mock(SocketFactory.class, RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS);



Notice the two chained calls in a when clause. Isn't it cool? I think that's cool.

I can make tests clearer in case of poorly designed production code. And who doesn't write poorly designed code sometimes? I do more often than not. So why not have <strong>at least</strong> clearer tests?

It would be even cooler if we could get rid of the ulgy (very ugly?) RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS artefact and let the when clause sort things out on its own.

Hey, have you noticed I use <a href="">Fest Assert</a>, the best assertion library?
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